Sunday, March 2, 2008


What you will find here is information on how to "blog for business" and a wealth of business opportunities that I am working with and will love sharing with you.

My other blogs are about "The Secret" and "The Law of Attraction", which is where my passion lies. I also blog on "OUR GRATITUDE IN BOOKS", for HCI Publishing. HCI publishes self help books and I love their material and the authors that work with them so I love blogging about their books.

The business opportunities are affiliate programs that I am working with and will share with you.

Doing business on the internet is the fastest, most efficient way, to reach the greatest number of people, in the shortest amount of time. "That's a mouth full" but it's true, and if you don't think so I don't think you would be here....GOTCHA!

I SHOULD PROBABLY CALL THIS BLOG "THE LAZY WAY!" to attract more bloggers, but I don't want to cast the wrong idea about internet marketing, advertising and sales. None of it is hard, but I can tell you right now, lazy will not cut it!

The most important thing to remember is this " Do something, everyday without fail, and when it starts working for you, begin to do one more thing, until you have created multiple streams of income. Having multiple streams of income is the only way to succeed on the internet.

Another thing to do is to build a list. You can do this in a number of ways that i will be sharing with you. It can be as simple as using a squeeze page.

When you have a list built, use an autoresponder to email to your list. You can send different emails a few days apart.

Learn a few tips on how to place links into your blog to generate traffic and direct your customers to the right blog.

I'll be sharing a few stories and tips everyday, so keep coming back and looking for new information or email me at:

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