Wednesday, August 6, 2008


The only thing that is expected of us by the “Universe” is that we be ourselves. Such a simple perception, but so many people are afraid of so many things, that they are forced to keep a closed mind. That is not to say, they don’t engage in life because they do. They just do not engage in “living their life.” Yet it takes one sometimes a good 40 or 50 years, of purposeful living, to realize that they do not know that. The blessing is that once you do realize it…you can never return, returning is failure. So when you wake up one day and you find in your mind this: “just be yourself and live your life” do what it says, and make the first step….“keeping your mind open to living.”

It is not a new or earth shaking revelation “to be yourself,” but even those that know the words, don’t practice the life those words speaks about. Some pass on never knowing the joy we were meant to experience, the love we were meant to find, the place we were supposed to visit, the people we were supposed to meet, or even the children we were meant to raise and love. How sad, to live a life so empty. It seems that there should be, invested in each of us, a miracle that announces, presents or establishes a way, to let each of us know before our time has gone on.

How do we even go about finding those that are missing out on this life? Do we hold a poll? Create an election? Teach a class? Invite the world? What one thing is necessary to bring the world the message that they are “EXPECTED” to live their purpose…and by doing so, be rewarded with the true joy we were meant to live.

Books are written about it…does the author know? Movies are made about it….do the actors know? Classes are taught about it…do the teachers know…do the students understand when they are being taught about it? Where is the gap that keeps one from experiencing the “whole” purpose of their “individual” existence?

I believe that when we know the answers, we should tell the world. How we tell the world…may be the secret of our "own purpose" on this earth. But, what if we can’t reach everyone? What if the existence of one more goes by without knowing the message? What can we do to make sure in a voice loud enough, in a distance far enough, in a world full enough to make sure “everyone” knows the answer to their question “what is my purpose?”

TELL THEM ALL!…I’m making a list and taking names….and we will find the answers.

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